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Training Detail

Utrecht, Netherlands

SP for Developmental & Relational Injury (NL)

OCTOBER 6, 2022 - OCTOBER 14, 2023

Research reveals the powerful impact that early childhood adversity, attachment disruption, and chronic stress play in our clients' current lives. Early attachment experiences and the environment shape biology, brain development, somatic structures, perception, meaning making, and patterns of relating. This learning sits deep within, in our implicit and procedural memory. Difficulty managing relationships, depression, anxiety, somatic complaints, and addiction have roots in these early experiences and the resulting adaptations.

This training equips therapists with the skills, maps, and foundational principles needed to understand and address the challenging issues of developmental meaning, attachment patterns, emotional processing, and adaptive strategies to engage the wisdom of the body for healing and growth, and employ effective somatic interventions in a neurobiologically consistent manner.

This training provides the theoretical foundation to approach developmental injury from three avenues: working with adaptive strategies, child states of consciousness, and the therapeutic dyad.

Participants will learn skills for working somatically and relationally with limiting patterns and core injuries that their clients' present.

Netherlands Accreditation for Continuing Professional Development: FGzPT 183 pt, NIP K&J/NVO 100 pt, NIP LWP 126 pt, VPeP 12 pt

Training Dates:

  1. October 6-8, 2022
  2. December 8-10, 2022
  3. February 16-18, 2023
  4. April 13-15, 2023
  5. June 15-17, 2023
  6. September 7-9, 2023
  7. October 12-14, 2023
Times: Thursdays/Fridays: 9:00 - 17:00; Saturdays: 9:00 - 16.00 (1-hour lunch break each day)
Location: Fundatie van de Vrijvrouwe, Agnietenstraat 5, Utrecht 3512 XA.

5800 EUR + 500 minimum deposit (300 EUR/day). Includes catered lunch and coffee, water, and tea for each training day.

Trainers: Anthony Buckley, Esther Perez, MA LMFT, Hanneke Kalisvaart, PhD
Tuition: 6,300 EUR.
Contact: SPI Admissions, 3034473290,