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Find a Practitioner Trained in Sensorimotor PsychotherapyThis is a complimentary list of people who have completed training with Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute (SPI). Practitioners on this listing must be authorized to practice as mental health professionals, but this is not independently verified by SPI. We recommend that you do your own due diligence determining the licensing or registration status and disciplinary history of any practitioner. What training have practitioners on the list completed?Practitioners on this list have, to the best of SPI’s knowledge, completed one or more of the following trainings:
Click here for more information on Trainings. Does SPI endorse or periodically review the practitioners on this list?No, a listing is not an endorsement of a practitioner’s quality in any way or a confirmation of any practitioner’s legal authorization to practice as a mental health professional. Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute does not review this list for accuracy or to confirm current licensing or registration status. When using this list to choose a practitioner, you must do your own due diligence to determine a practitioner’s licensing or registration status and disciplinary history. The choice of a practitioner from the listing is entirely up to you and other practitioners exist beyond SPI’s directory which may provide adequate therapeutic services for your specific needs. This listing does not include all practitioners available for your specific needs, nor does SPI intend for this listing to be inclusive. You alone are responsible for researching, interviewing, and selecting a suitable practitioner to meet your specific needs. How can I evaluate a practitioner for myself?Here are two helpful resources for choosing a therapist: I have a complaint about a practitioner on the list; what can I do?Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute is an educational organization, not a regulatory or licensing body. SPI is not structured to conduct ethics investigations which offer a protection for both the person being accused and the person making an accusation. If you wish to make a complaint about a practitioner on the list, you must contact their licensing board or regulatory agency directly. When does Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute remove a listing?A listing is removed in the following conditions:
Disclaimer: SPI does not have, nor does it intend to have, any ethical and/or legal obligations to you based on your use of the listing, or any information contained therein, whether in contract, tort or any other concept of law or equity. You assume all responsibility and risk for the selection of a practitioner from the listing to address your specific needs. Under no circumstances will SPI or its officers, directors, contractors, employees, agents, successors, or assigns be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages, or lost profits that result from the selection and use of a practitioner from the listing. The practitioners listed within the listing are not the contactors, employees, agents, or compensated representatives of SPI unless specifically noted in the listing. You agree to indemnify and hold SPI harmless for any claims, liabilities, costs, expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs), losses, or damages arising from the acts, omissions, decision or services of any practitioner chosen by you from the listing. In states which do not allow some or all of the above limitations of liability, liability will be limited to the greatest extent allowed by law. Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute and its subsidiaries is an educational organization, not a regulatory or licensing body, as such, we cannot revoke a practitioner’s license, restrict a practitioner from practicing, or conduct an ethical or legal investigation on a practitioner. |
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